Inarritu’s grueling drama Babel with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett the original ’80s classic Footloose the original 1969 True Grit that earned John Wayne his Oscar and this year’s Disney classic Zootopia. Other movies you need to check out are Alejandro G. However, you’ll be better off skipping them and watching Saving Private Ryan, which goes up the same day. The romantic coming-of-age drama The Way He Looks has a happy falling in love with your best friend and riding off into the sunset ending that so many straight high school. All of the Jaws sequels – Jaws 2, Jaws 3 and Jaws: The Revenge – will also be available on September 1. How You Can Help Ukraine: Verified Charities, GoFundMe & Ways to Support UkrainiansĪmong the movies Netflix is adding in September is Jaws, the 1975 classic that made Steven Spileberg a Hollywood icon overnight.